the journey and the destination
What will you make of this great adventure, this one chance to live your best life?
This website offers ideas for experiencing a great life – an adventure of hope, health and happiness lived out on a safe and beautiful Earth. I propose that perhaps the meaning and purpose of life are simply to find and create happiness — for ourselves, and for all present and future inhabitants of our planet. I call this Sustainable Global Happiness.
Thank you for visiting this site! You can peruse through a few of the pages or visit my blog to get started.
Sustainable Global Happiness, the book, is now available via Amazon.
Sustainable Global Happiness can be thought of as represented by a Person-People-Planet triangle. The health and happiness of the individual (person), the collective (people), and the Earth (planet) each comprise a distinct side of the triangle, yet each are essential components of an integrated whole. What affects one, affects all. ©
The morning sun was already warm on my back. Floating prone on the water, I tasted the salt of the Pacific sea........
sustainable global happiness
Aristotle suggested that happiness is the ultimate desired endpoint of all human existence. We may wish for ........