Humanity’s Worthy Goal
The goal of this website/blog is to share ideas about Sustainable Global Happiness. Happiness, because it is quite possible that finding and creating happiness are the meaning and purpose of life; Global happiness because individual happiness is inseparably entwined with the happiness of all world citizens; and Sustainable global happiness, because a sustainable planet is an absolute prerequisite for humanity’s lasting happiness.
Sustainable Global Happiness can be thought of as represented by a person-people-planet triangle, as depicted below. The health and happiness of the individual (person), the collective (people), and the Earth (planet) each comprise a distinct side of the triangle, yet each are essential components of an integrated whole.
Blog posts will generally fall under one of the following sections:
1. Person (Personal Happiness): These posts present ideas to optimize individual happiness through a strong body and mind. Discussion topics include healthy eating, exercise, setting and achieving goals, and developing awareness. We also discuss methods for altering unhealthy perceptions, and consider ideas about Nature and Spirituality.
2. People (Collective Happiness): The posts in this category discuss ideas for achieving happiness for all global populations. Discussion topics include pacifism, global economic prosperity, inter-generational equity, and expanding our notion of tribe.
3. Planet (Planetary Happiness): These posts suggest ideas to help preserve the beauty and bounty of our Earth – the very wellspring of all health and happiness. Discussion topics include overpopulation, climate change, sustainable agriculture, ocean health, and protection of our natural resources.
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