
Hi, I’m Randy Siltanen.  Welcome to the Sustainable Global Happiness website and blog.  Here we discuss and share ideas to improve personal, collective, and planetary health and happiness.


If you have not already done so, I suggest that you check out the website home page.  The “about” tab will lead you to a page that further describes the goal of the website and blog, and also to a bio page that says a little bit about me. 

You can also read A Letter from Dad, which was written for my adult children.  This essay may also be of interest to other young people beginning college or starting a new job, or  any individual searching for a new direction in life.

The home page has links at the bottom to two additional essays, Happiness and Imagine. They are good starting points for the blog posts to follow.  I think you will like them.

The Happiness essay is a short entry and, not surprisingly, is about happiness. 

The Imagine essay is an introduction to the elegant and interwoven nature of our universe, and serves as a good backdrop to this blog.  This is about a ten minute read.  Subsequent entries will be shorter; usually providing around five minutes or so of reading time.

I plan to post usually once or twice a week, and also include some guest interviews and guest posts. 

The first series of posts are designed to help improve personal health and happiness.  Later to come will be a series of posts about improving collective and planetary health and happiness.  The health and happiness of the individual is made complete by the health and happiness of the Earth and all of its inhabitants; and vice versa.  Improving one part improves the whole, creating a virtuous cycle.

This blog is designed to be an interactive process.  I encourage you to join the discussion.  Please share your own thoughts about personal, collective, and planetary health and happiness.

Next time I will present a few ideas about exercise; the first entry of a series of personal health and happiness posts.  Like Tony Robbins says, you can't give from emptiness! 

Thanks for joining us.
