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   MANY MUSCLE AND tendon overuse injuries can be prevented (and treated) by utilizing eccentric contraction exercises.  An eccentric contraction is one where the muscle is lengthening as it works, e.g. when performing a bicep curl the concentric contraction is when you lift the weight up and the eccentric contraction is when you let gravity slowly bring the weight back down. 

Eccentric contraction exercises are useful for preventing  and rehabilitating rotator cuff shoulder injuries, tennis elbow, patellar tendonitis (jumper’s knee), and Achilles tendonitis. Performing all exercises slowly in both directions will utilize both concentric and eccentric contractions, and will maximize total strength and rehabilitation.

Even if you exercise with proper technique, and regularly stretch and practice your balance, you will still likely suffer at least a few injuries during your life.  The rehabilitation programs, precision surgeries, and potent medications of modern medicine are truly impressive, but healing is optimized when these treatments are complemented by the power of the mind. 

Believing that you can get well is an important component of any type of healing.   By whatever mechanism of action, meditation, prayer and a positive outlook have all been shown to increase rates of healing and to improve health.

Try to stay warm, as muscles and tendons are more likely to be injured when cold.  Also, some bodily processes do not function as well at lower temperatures.  If you get a chill after exercising, your body may not be as adept at fighting off pathogens.

Also essential for injury avoidance are proper dietary inputs; to help build musculoskeletal tissues to maximal levels of strength and resilience.  A healthy nutrition plan may keep you out of your doctor’s office for various other maladies, too. 

So go ahead and eat an apple a day – and lots of other organic fruits and vegetables as well!

Next time:  We begin a series of posts about Sustainable Nutrition.